SDG Pictures is passionate about delving into the complexities of the human condition through film.

Connecting the Human Experience

  • Taking the "i" Out of Filmmaking

    SDG Pictures believes it takes a team to make a film, not an “auteur.” Their enthusiasm lies in fostering uplifting atmospheres on set, ensuring a positive experience for the entire cast and crew. They hold each opinion and every idea in high regard, recognizing the profound value in such collaboration. For SDG Pictures, the paramount approach to filmmaking involves a united team that not only believes in one another but also seeks to contribute meaningfully to life through their cinematic creation.

  • Master Storytellers

    With a keen eye for detail, SDG Pictures uncovers the essence of every moment. They have a unique ability to reveal the subtle nuances that lie beneath the surface of what the characters are saying, with visuals and a compelling sound design, making their work truly captivating. Every story they tell they want to help others feel less alone- they aspire for their films to provide a sense of connection and give something meaningful back to their audience.

  • Sibling Filmmakers

    SDG Pictures was founded by a dynamic duo that brings stories to life. One’s strength is the other’s weakness. Bound by both friendship and family, they harness their unique connection to co-direct with harmonious creativity.

Meet The Founders// The Sibling Team

We are sibling filmmakers who graduated from USC’s School of Cinematic Arts. We grew up immersed in stories- from books to television shows and movies. We would watch old Hollywood classic films starting as early as age five- sometimes watching three or four a day. If we weren't watching a film- we were making one. Every summer growing up, we gathered a group of friends together to make a short film, and then we would screen the film in our high school's auditorium for the entire school. We didn't know what it all meant then, but we knew we felt the most joy when we were consumed in a story- because, for a moment, we could escape into something greater. 

Storytelling can transport us to a different place and remind us that we are not alone in our grief and in our joy. Films prove that we are made for eternity; they hint that we are wired to worship something greater and more beautiful than just ourselves and our own lives. Filmmaking is a selfless act. This is when we find the greatest joy; these moments of awe and wonder are what we truly live for. Films are God's way of whispering to us. What a privilege, what an honor, to be able to be a part of that filmmaking process.

Soli Deo Gloria

-Rita & Luke

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